2023 APRN Shining Stars

ALASKA Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) are on the rise and their future is shining bright.
Morgan Jones, CNM
2023 Golden Stethoscope Award from Alaska Hospital & Healthcare Association
Sally Coburn, CNP
Awarded the 2023 Nurse Practitioner of the Year from Alaska Nurse Practitioner Association
Karen Friedl, CNP
American Association of Nurse Practitioner, Alaska Nurse Practitioner Award of Excellence for 2023
Meegan Volkov, DNP, CNP
American Association of Nurse Practitioner, Alaska State Advocate for 2023
Lisa Jackson, CNP (National Leader)
Appointed Alaska Representative for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners beginning 2023
Theresa Kouadio, CNM (National Leader)
Region VII American College of Nurse Midwives Representative
Kathryn Ault, CNP, DNP
Accepted into Johns Hopkins Public Health PhD program, and appointed Director of Midwifery at South Peninsula Hospital
Carrie Peluso, CNS
CNO of PAMC, and newly appointed for inaugural Alaska Representative of the Northwest Organization of Nurse Leaders (NWONL)
Marianne Johnstone-Petty, CNP, DNP
Line One about APRNs, POLST, and supporting patients living with serious illness.
Traci Sickich, CNP
Published, Chapter 18 of the Advanced practice palliative Nursing, Second Edition
Stephanie Wrightsman-Birch, CNP
Guest Speaker for the UAA December 2023 School of Nursing Pinning Ceremony
Chris Logan, CRNA
Currently serving on the State of Alaska Health Care Reform Task Force
Jennifer Lent, CRNA, DNP Appointed Vice President of Med Staff, Chief of Anesthesia Services and Medical Director of the Surgical Services - Yukon Kuskokwim Health Center, Bethel, Alaska
Mary Magnusen, CRNA, NSPM-C
Providence Kodiak APRN Committee Representative to update Bylaws to grant full medical staff privilege for APRNs.
Senator Cathy Giessel, CNP
Majority Leader of the Alaska Senate, Representing District E of the Anchorage Municipality, your team, or the services you provide.