Our Work
We focus our efforts on legislative advocacy, working at the local, state, and federal levels with legislators and other stakeholders to improve health care access and outcomes for our patients, and to assure the continuation of independent and progressive practice regulations for APRNs in Alaska. The APRN Alliance was established in Anchorage, Alaska on November 3, 2012.

Our Progress
Our first order of business was working to implement the Consensus Model here in Alaska, which resulted in the passage of SB 53. The Consensus Model is a nationwide effort to create uniformity and consistency for APRN licensure, which will allow us to work to the full extent of our respective scopes of practice, as well as ease employment transitions across state lines.
SB 53, “An Act relating to advanced practice registered nursing…” was signed into law by Governor Bill Walker on July 6, 2016. It changed the titles “Advanced Nurse Practitioner” and “Nurse Anesthetist” to “Advanced Practice Registered Nurse.” The Alaska Board of Nursing has passed regulations to implement this statutory change, and these have been signed by the Lt. Governor.

H.B. 149 & S.B 130 Nurse Licensure Compact
H.B. 59 & S.B. 58 Medicaid postpartum extension for new mothers
H.B. 17 & S.B. 27 12 Month Birth Control Legislation
(2022) H.B. 392 => Working to update POLST Regulation to grant Signature Authority.
HB 392, The APRN Alliance worked to increase access to care for Alaskans living with serious illness by supporting the passage of HB 392. HB 392 enables signature authority for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses and Physician Assistants to sign death certificates, do not resuscitate orders, and life sustaining treatment. This bill, sponsored by Representative Snyder and championed by Marianne Johnstone-Petty, DNP, APRN, was passed on March 29, 2022.
HB 265, The APRN Alliance supported the passage of HB 265, An Act Relating to Telehealth. This bill enables health care providers licensed in Alaska the option to deliver care via telehealth without an in-person visit when appropriate. The law also requires parity for Medicaid reimbursement rates of all services delivered via telehealth, supporting innovation in the health care sector and ensuring that all Alaskans have access to care. This bill was sponsored by Representative Spohnholz and passed on July 12, 2022.
How to Contact Federal & State Legislators
State Legislators => Find out who your Legislators are and Contact them.
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Federal Legislators => Contact your Federal Legislators
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